The AcroExploder - Guenther Eichorn retires

It came as a simple inquiry on who might want to take over the Acroexploder followed rapidly by an announcement. "For health reasons I can no longer manage the Exploder. It was quite some time ago that I started it. I think it worked well for all these years. Peter H. Schmidt will manage the Exploder from now on," posted by Dr. Guenther Eichorn on July 7, 2023.

When the announcement came, many of the hundreds of Acroexploder fans and members instantly jumped to thank him for his 30 years of dedication to the Acroexploder. Here a mere few of those messages;

"You facilitated a tremendous amount of information sharing that has immeasurably benefited all who’ve participated by action or simply by gaining useful knowledge," Bob (Bwana) Buckley.

"Thank you, Guenther, for all of your behind-the-scenes effort invaluable service. I will always remember your kind words at my first contest," Dennis Thompson.

"Since our membership is so dispersed, all over the world, the opening of internet communications and methods like the Acroexploder have revolutionized how we exchange information and views. I must also add the safety aspect – providing info, advice, and suggestions regarding flying and care of our airplanes has been crucial to keeping our sport a safe one. So, your contributions in that regard cannot be overemphasized. It has been of enormous importance, especially since IAC has no equivalent of its own. You provided that from early on and for decades now and I have been the thankful recipient and beneficiary of it as well, in my various leadership roles in the sport. Thank you," Bo Kagan.

"Thank you, Guenther! As a UK aerobatic pilot, I have been mostly watching from the sidelines for many years now. This has been a great contribution to the sport that we all love, thank you so much for your efforts, " Dave Farley.

"Günther, I first joined the Exploder 22 years ago. A search of my email archive shows I have saved 2,055 emails to it over the years, which is my personal testament to the terrific value of this resource you have stewarded since the days.  I will do my best to sustain it going forward in the spirit with which you founded and maintained it. Thank you for your efforts all these years!" Best — Peter (Schmidt)

Involved in aerobatics since 1988, Guenther bought a Pitts Special S-2A, a two seat aerobatics biplane. He started to fly in aerobatic competitions in 1989. In 1999 he flew in the Unlimited category and received the Unlimited Stars Achievement Award. He is #24 on the All 10 Achievement Awards list, which were all flown in the Pitts S-2A.

He found success at quite a few contests winning overall Arizona State Champion in 1991, New England Champion, Intermediate, in 1993, third place in the International Aerobatics Championships, Northeast Aerobatic Champion in Unlimited for 1999). And third place at the Championships of the Americas in Fond du Lac, WI, in 1998, an FAI sanctioned international contest. In 2018 he stopped flying in competitions. Soon after that he put his plane up for sale and finalized a sale in 2021. 

In 1994 the Acroexploder was the first aviation server to appear on the internet. Guenther managed several web sites for different organizations including the aviation website at, his IAC35 website and also hosted a soaring website. The Soaring Turnpoint website is also mirrored in Tucson, AZ, USA, and Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

In addition to his aviation pursuits Guenther interests have ranged from scuba diving to hiking and music. Of great interest are all his many photos from his travels, "In 1997 I started traveling to interesting destinations all over the world on a regular basis (at least once per year)". You can see many of these photos of the places, plants and animals he has seen on his Facebook page: