FAA Grants Exemption For IAC Practice, Competition Flights

The FAA has approved an exemption requested by EAA on behalf of the International Aerobatic Club allowing IAC pilots greater operating flexibility when making practice and competition flights at contest sites, and removing a requirement that the aircraft flight manual be in the plane when practicing or competing.

A two-year exemption (through September 30, 2009) was granted allowing IAC pilots participating in IAC-sanctioned aerobatic competitions to carry less than the VFR fuel requirements under certain conditions. Fuel onboard must be enough to take off, complete the planned flight maneuvers, and land at the same airport with enough fuel to fly for an additional 10 minutes at normal cruising speed.

EAA asked that the exemption also include IAC members flying aerobatic aircraft while practicing at the actual competition airports prior to an IAC-sanctioned event.

“Prior to this addition to the exemption, IAC competition pilots were allowed the fuel exemption for judged flights only, not for practice flights at the contest site,” said Vicki Cruse, IAC president. Regarding the exemption from having to carry the aircraft flight manual in the aircraft at all times, Cruse commented, “You can imagine the safety issue having this requirement in place. It just doesn’t work for flying aerobatics. We are happy to have been granted all of these exemptions.”

IAC has been managing competition events under this exemption for over 28 years. This renewal continues to show the positive flight safety partnership that exists between the FAA, IAC, and EAA.