The University of North Dakota will become the recipient of the 2008 Collegiate Program Traveling Team Trophy, which found its home at Southern Illinois University for the last two years. Congratulations also go out to Charlie Wilkinson of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Daytona Beach for his first place win in the individual category.
Team rankings were as follows: 1) University of North Dakota with 86.74%, 2) Embry Riddle -Daytona Beach with 83.10%, and 3) United States Air Force Academy with 82.23%. Qualified collegiate teams must have at least three (3) pilots competing in three (3) IAC-sanctioned competitions during the contest season with one of the pilots flying in the Sportsman category or above. Scores from the highest scoring Sportsman pilot are selected, then the two next highest scoring pilots regardless of category are selected, and an average of all three pilots’ scores is used to determine a team’s final standing.
Individual champions are: 1) Charlie Wilkinson of Embry-Riddle-Daytona Beach with 85.29%, 2) Jeremy Baker of University of North Dakota with 82.32% and 3) Tyler Shoemaker also of Embry-Riddle with 80.81%. Collegiate individual winners must be full-time undergraduate students, compete in the Sportsman category or above, and compete in at least three (3) IAC-sanctioned competitions during the contest season.
For more detailed results log into the IAC members only website at, and choose Collegiate Program under the Contest Results heading.