The IAC Board of Directors met by teleconference on Thursday, August 28th, to make appointments to fill vacancies created on the Board by the latest election.
Former IAC President Doug McConnell was appointed Vice President, to serve out the remainder of President Mike Heuer's term. Doug brings enormous experience to the Board as it was under his administration IAC reached its peak in membership numbers. In recent years, he has served as our Memberships Chairman and has been a fountain of ideas regarding ways to expand our membership and retain those we have through improved membership services. He will be President Heuer's "right-hand man" when it comes to this effort in the future and brings a laser-like focus to these programs. Doug is retired and devotes most all of his time to IAC business.
Former IAC Director Bruce Ballew was appointed to fill the remainder of a term created by a recent change to the By-Laws. Bruce flies a PItts S-2B in competition, is a corporate pilot in St. Louis, and also is very involved in governmental affairs.
Finally, the Board appointed Lynn Bowes, IAC's new Secretary, to the Executive Committee. The Committee consists of President Mike Heuer, Vice President Doug McConnell, Treasurer Bob Hart, Director Debby Rihn-Harvey, and Secretary Lynn Bowes.
As its first order of business, the Executive Committee approved the selection of Bob Meyer of Tehachapi, California as the Chairman of the Contest Jury at the 2014 US National Aerobatic Championships.