Wednesday, July 22 forums at the IAC Vicki Cruse Memorial Pavilion;
8:30-9:45am Don Taylor
"Pitts Aircraft it's effect on aerobatics -
Don shares his observations on how the Pitts aircraft
impacted the National and International aerobatic
competition scene through the years. He flew his first aerobatic
contest at Ottumwa, Iowa, in 1965, and went on to judge the US National Aerobatic Championships in Fort Worth, Texas in 1967, 1968 and1969. He stayed actively involved in aerobatics through WAC 1996 and beyond.
10:00-11:15am Gary Debaun
"Buying a Used Pitts"
Join A&P, IAC competition pilot and US Nationals CD,
Gary Debaun, as he discusses his experience with many
pre-buys over the years.
He'll share tips about what do look for when you are
shopping aroundfor a Pitts.
11:30-12:45pm Bill Finagin
"Spins and Emergency Recoveries"
Bill is widely recognized as one of the best acro/spin/upset
instructors anywhere. He will discuss a wide variety of spins
and emergency recoveries; normal, flat, accelerated, and
crossover emergency spin recovery in both upright and inverted
1:00 - 2:15pm Peter Gauthier
"Pitts Restoration (N22E)"
One of the highlights of this week's celebration of the Pitts
Anniversary is the arrival of a precise replica of Pitts NX86401
from California. The builder of this beautiful replica is Peter
Gauthier. N86401 was the second Pitts that Curtis built and it
subsequently was purchased by Betty Skelton with a new paint
scheme later in life and its registration changed to N22E.
See the full schedule of IAC Pavilion speakers HERE