Join your fellow IAC members for the
announcement of the new IAC Officers
and Board members as well as a report
from IAC President, Mike Heuer &
Treasuer Bob Hart. There will be a Q&A session for the membership.
10:00-11:15am Budd Davisson
"The Pitts Landing Myth;
Anyone can do it...no...really!"
Budd says teaching Pitts landings is fun
and he's never had a single student who
didn't come to enjoy it. He gives instruction
in a Pitts long-gear S-2A so that the attitude
is identical to the S-2B/C. He also gives
instruction in Pitts Model 12, Skybolt and all other high performance taildraggers.
11:30-12:45pm and 1:00 - 2:15pm
"Basic Aerodynamics of Aerobatics,
Part 1 & Part 2"
Presentations include diagrams, photos
and video shot in Sleazy, the Berz Flight
Training Pitts S2B. Don is a competition
pilot from Michigan IAC Chapter 88 and
a CFI who has been instructing aerobatics
and tailwheel endorsements since 1999.
See the full schedule of IAC Pavilion speakers HERE