2022 Rule Proposals Posted for member Comment

The submission deadline for IAC members to propose changes to the IAC Official Contest Rules for the 2022 contest season was July 1st. These proposals have now been compiled by IAC Rules Chair Barrett Hines. A total of 44 unique (a few were the same) proposals from the membership were received. A PDF with all of the rule proposals is available for download below.  Although organized some to assist with their evaluation, these are essentially as received.

Our thanks to all our members who submitted their ideas to improve IAC rules and our competitions. All members are now invited to review the proposals and provide feedback. You can address any or all, at your preference, but make sure to reference the Proposal Number on each so we know what you are commenting on.  In general, we would appreciate input on: 
     a) Do you support the proposed change concept or not, and
     b) Any suggestions and comments that you believe would be helpful toward decisions on whether to approve and/or modify them to be acceptable.

Members must submit their comments to this address:  RulesChair [at] iac.org   

Feedback must be received within the 30-day comment period. Deadline October 17. The Rules Committee will review and present their recommendations on these proposals during the IAC Board of Directors Fall Board meeting. Thanks for your support!