Heads up!
Sebring is fast approaching! Sebring represents one of the best opportunities to score great ranking points in the National Points Series Championship (the Leo) for the Southeast region. The way the ranking points work, the bigger the contest, the more pilots you beat, the higher your possible ranking points.
Last year the Unlimited category went unawarded because we only had one pilot fly in 3 regions. So, you Unlimited guys need to fly. Count Sebring and Nationals and you'll have Southeast and South Central covered. One more region and you'll contend for the NPSC!
Get your name on the permanent *trophy and win the individual title for your category. News and updates on the 2022 season can be found here: www.iac.org/the-leo-iacnpsc-news-and-updates
Fly Safe Have Fun!
Bob Freeman, IAC 8532
IAC Director
*Trophies sponsored by Bob Freeman, Tim Just and Tom Rhodes.