Latest News

June 2, 2001

XXI World Aerobatic Championships

Burgos, Spain

June 19-29, 2001

Final Results and Official Standings








Prog 1

Prog 2

Prog 3




Mamistov, Mikhail






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May 16, 2001
By Dave Kujawa, Editor, Sport Aerobatics

Glenn Edward Frick, IAC Director and retired Air Force Colonel, passed away on May 16, due to complications from leukemia. He was 66. He is survived by his wife, Gracie Ann Frick, children, Steve E. Frick, Karin, L. Floyd, N. Mark Frick and Robin K. Frick; six grandchildren; and brothers, Norman and David Frick.

Glenn retired from the U.S. Air Force after 28 years of duty. He flew three tours in Vietnam and was a commander at the Air Force’s Fighter Weapons School at Nellis AFB,…

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February 28, 2001

If you didn't run right out and get your Unlimited Smooth Patch when the new IAC Rule Book was published --- too late! Appendix 5 of the 2001 Rule Book shows only three figures required for the Unlimited Achievement Award.  Sorry folks, not going to happen! When the new book was printed, the glider figures were accidentally printed over the top of the remaining list of Unlimited Power figures. If you have any intention of trying for the Unlimited patch this year or are a judge who might be asked to watch the patch attempt, be sure and add the following figures to the Unlimited Power…

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February 25, 2001
Attention all National Judges!

A new rule for 2001 [2.6.3(e)] requires all National judges to attend a judge's recurrency or Advanced Judging Criteria seminar at least once every three (3) calendar years, or revert back to a Regional judge status until such time as this requirement is met.  The question arises as to when does the clock start for National judges whose last school was prior to this year? The policy is as follows:

If the last recurrency or Advanced school attended was in year 2000, OR EARLIER, the judge…

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February 22, 2001

The 2001 IAC Annual Meeting was held in Indianapolis, IN as part of the National Aeronautic Association Air Sports Expo on February 9th. The IAC elected Rob Dorsey and Dave Monroe as President and Vice President respectively. Four directors vied for three Director seats on the IAC Board. Jim Taylor beat out incumbent Howie Stock as Director for the Southeast U.S. region. Here are the official election results:

Total number of votes cast by ballot:  995
Total number of votes cast in person:  6
Total number of votes:  1001


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February 2, 2001
National Judge Polling Process Altered

Lisa Wegener reports pre-registration will now be required to compete at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships to be held in Denison, TX September 3-8, 2001.  In addition, only those pilots who have pre-registered for the event will be polled on their choice for national judge selection.

According to Wegener, the IAC Board adopted changes to the IAC's Policy and Procedures Manual at a teleconference call on December 29, 2000 to require "all pilots wishing to compete to pre-register 3 months in advance of the competition. Refunds will be…

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