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November 10, 2021

Looking for aerobatic related articles? "In the Loop" is IAC's monthly e-newsletter. You will see links to regular "Sport Aerobatics" articles and ITL Exclusive Content.

In the November issue of the IAC's e-newsletter you will find links to the upcoming (Thursday November 11)…

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November 5, 2021

It is with great sadness that IAC chapter 89 Ocala, Florida shared the news of Kevin S. Campbell’s (IAC 24702) passing.  “Sadly, Kevin has succumbed to his illness and passed away Friday morning (October 29) at home. His wife Tangie was with him and he wasn’t in pain.

As president of chapter 89, Kevin was the driving force behind several safe, successful and fun Snowbird Classic contests. His larger than life personality was a force to be reckoned with. He was a loyal friend and would help in any way he could. He will be greatly missed.…

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November 1, 2021
By Mike Heuer
IAC Historian
Dan McGarry, age 83, passed away on October 6, 2021, and IAC lost a wonderful and devoted pilot and friend. Dan was the quintessential member – quiet, unassuming, and no drama. He loved aviation, aerobatics, and competition.
He joined IAC almost immediately after our formation in 1970 and carried membership number 30. Like many early members, he was of the Chicago area where most of the founders of IAC were from and the home of IAC’s first chapter. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, the upper Midwest…
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October 31, 2021

In a letter addressed to Jim Bourke, IAC president, Bruce Ballew Government Relations Chair has stepped down from his volunteer position. “It has been a pleasure working with the membership, the Board/Officers and the FAA for a decade on issues important to our sport,” Bruce said. “I will gladly help with whatever transition if necessary and will be available to the new liaison to answer questions or provide historical background on any topics that I can.”

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October 30, 2021

by Jeff Seaborn, EAA 793688/IAC438260, Chair, EAA Canadian Council

There’s a new EAA chapter in Canada — specifically IAC Chapter 137 in Alberta, which is the first IAC chapter in Canada since IAC 4, Toronto, Ontario and IAC 18, Vancouver, BC in the early 1970s. It’s been a long time coming for the Alberta chapter due to some distractions that the group has had to face. The founding president is Neill Cook, EAA 1090385. It was the efforts of Neill and Lenora Crane, EAA 1015429, that made this chapter come to life. The Aerobatic Club of Alberta has…

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October 25, 2021

The Regional Series awards the top placing participants in each of the six U.S. regions who fly in at least three IAC sanctioned contests during the year.  (U.S. Nationals may be used as a "wild card" as one of the three contests flown.)

With two more contest to be flown November 5-6 at Sebring, FL (SE region), and 11-12 at the Tequila Cup in Arizona (SW Region), the current leaders in all the other regions below have flown all available Regional contests.…

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