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May 4, 2021

In this month's EAA Hangar Flying, Mike Gallaway IAC 23924 was featured today. The piece originally ran in the April 2021 issue of Sport Aviation magazine. Read all about Mike, who is our current CIVA representative at

Mike is the contest director for the Lone Star Aerobatic Championship coming up…

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May 2, 2021
The IAC holds annual elections for its officers and directors with the help of volunteers who provide support in the nomination and election processes. DJ Molny is currently the IAC Ballot Certification Chair. Recently DJ was appointed the Judge Program Chair, which is keeping him busy. He would like to open up an opportunity to train a replacement volunteer on the ballot certification committee this year so a new chair will be ready to take on the task without him in 2022.
The Ballot Certification Chair position requires a volunteer who has the ability to use a web browser,…
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April 27, 2021

It is with great sadness that IAC chapter 88 Michigan shared the news of David E. "Dave" McKenzie's, IAC 2032, passing. "Our sympathy goes out to Nancy, his son Mike and family," said Hugo Ritzenthaler IAC 88 Vice President.

"Dave was instrumental in getting chapter 88 started," said Hugo. From a brief history of the chapter, Hugo pointed to Dave's efforts in the 1970s: In the early years the chapter held a series of flying meetings at various local airports in order to gain publicity and new members... We offered aero instruction in 15 and 30 minute segments at the meeting in a…

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April 20, 2021
Updated news from Early Bird Contest Director David Prather: "Friday’s weather is forecast to prevent flying to the contest as well as contest flying. I am officially shifting the contest days to Saturday 24 April and Sunday 25 April.
Proposed agenda:
1000-1500 Box Marking
1000-1500 Early arrivals, Complete Box Marking, and practice for registered contestants
1800 Contest Director available for registration
0800-1200 Registration and Practice
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April 19, 2021

The 2021 contest season is coming back in full force! 28 contests has been scheduled and recently two more were added to the contest calendar - Super D Tango and SoCal Surprise bringing the total scheduled contests up to 30.

IAC chapter 24 has confirmed the Super D Tango is scheduled to continue with their tradition of a one-day contest in Akroville, Texas on Saturday, July 10th. This is a one-type of airplane, one category contest where no one has any airplane or category advantage over another!  It truly lets all pilots compete against each other on a level playing field!   It…

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April 14, 2021

In an interview with NEWS12 KXII Studios in Sherman, Texas, IAC member David Valear said, "We do a practice day once a month (at the North Texas Regional Airport in Sherman) all of us are competitive aerobatic pilots and we are coaching each other to help become the very best we can be at aerobatics." See the full article at: International Aerobatic Club practicing for regional competition in May (

The next contest up for David will be the Early Bird in…

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