Latest News

September 17, 2019

The organizers have announced that the Mason-Dixon Shoot Out that was to be held on October 11-13, 2019 is canceled. Unfortunately the airport has pushed up the repaving of their runway. The contest will be back next year, so watch the IAC Contest Listing webpage for their dates in 2020. 

September 11, 2019

The deadline for submission for IAC members to propose changes to the IAC Official Contest Rules for the 2020 contest season was July 1st. These proposals have now been compiled by IAC Rules Chair Doug Sowder. Originally a total of 16 proposals from the membership were received and posted this morning. However, a glitch in the email system revealed that there were actually 29 rule proposals.

An updated PDF with all 29 of the rule proposals is available for download below.

To be noted, there is work being done to revise the rule book to make it more concise and easier to…

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September 3, 2019

The 30th FAI 2019 World Aerobatic Championships have ended. The team reports working hard and having a wonderful experience in Châteauroux, France the last week of August.

Congratulations to Team USA’s by the three highest scoring USA pilots; Rob Holland, Craig Gifford and Mark Nowosielski for earning the Team Silver with their strong performances!

Rob Holland earned flight medals; gold for free unknown 2 and bronze for free unknown 3. In addition, Rob has the highest combined score for all three Unknowns earning him the Eric Muller Trophy with the highest total…

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August 23, 2019

IAC Executive Director (ED), Lorrie Penner, has been wearing a couple of hats since June by stepping in as Interim Editor of Sport Aerobatics. Lorrie has served as the ED since January of 2017.  She said, "I love working with IAC and our members. Having been a volunteer for 15 years I already felt at home with the club. The job is challenging and fulfilling. In the back of my mind I hoped I could continue working with IAC after retirement in the Editor position."

At the end of May when, then Editor, Evan Peers left the position, Lorrie immediately stepped in as Interim…

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August 20, 2019

Drawing for Order of Flight

Team USA attended the General Briefing this afternoon. The briefing included a drawing for the Order of Flight for the first round; Known Programme 1. Results of the drawing; Krysta 6,  Craig 19, Mark 29, AJ 38, Rob 47, Jim 49.

Best wishes to Team USA on your flights tomorrow. The championship begins at 0800 August 22nd in Chateauroux-Déols Airport (36) located about 250 km South of PARIS, in the center of France in the “Berry region”. (Time zone in France (GMT+2) ).

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August 20, 2019

IAC members enjoy many membership benefits such as recieving 12 monthly issues of Sport Aerobatics magazine, In the Loop e-newsletter, member only content when you log in on this website, local IAC chapters practice days and regional and national competition among others. See all the IAC benefits HERE.

As an IAC member, we are also EAA members and can enjoy many fo those benefits as well.

EAA membership became more valuable with the unveiling of several new member benefits that, among other…

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