Latest News

June 26, 2019

The IAC Board of Directors invites you to join us for dinner, beverages, and conversation during the EAA AirVenture at the "Annual IAC Member Gathering" on Friday, July 26th from 6-8pm. Please join us at the EAA Nature Center, located directly behind the EAA Aviation Museum. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.

Please RSVP to IAC Summer Assistant- Stephany Beck at by July 14th.

See you there!

June 19, 2019

A reminder that IAC Scholarship Applications for the IAC CP Aviation Emergency Maneuver Training Scholarship in Memory of Vicki CruseGreg Koontz Airshows Aerobatic Instructor Scholarship in Memory of Bobby Younkin, and the Doug Yost Memorial Aerobatic Scholarship Grant must be submitted by Sunday, June 30th. These scholarships are offered to promote aerobatic training and education. Click here for the scholarship applications. 

June 11, 2019

In February of this year, a call went out to the membership for voulnteers in several areas, committees, and programs and we received replies right away.

Welcome to Jason Haab who lives in Bloomington, Illinois. He has been an underwater diver with MABAS underwater search and rescue team as well as a team leader for an electric supply company. He has been posting updates on contests, judges schools, and things that are of interest to our membership on our IAC social media sites; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You are all invited to send blurbs and items of interest to IACHQ. Or,…

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June 9, 2019

A change is being made to provide an option to the IAC to place a well qualified pilot on the Advanced Team who may not have qualified at the National Championships for any reason. This change is being made for the Advanced Team only and is not being considered for the Unlimited Team at this time.

The Board of Directors are requesting membership input to the change outlined above in which the IAC selects the Advance United States Aerobatic Team.

All details can be found here…

May 30, 2019

A reminder that IAC Scholarship Applications for the IAC CP Aviation Emergency Maneuver Training Scholarship in Memory of Vicki Cruse, Greg Koontz Airshows Aerobatic Instructor Scholarship in Memory of Bobby Younkin, and the Doug Yost Memorial Aerobatic Scholarship Grant are open and must be submitted by Sunday, June 30th. These scholarships are offered to promote aerobatic training and education. Click here for more information regarding each scholarship.

May 28, 2019

The 2019 IAC Election balloting is now open. IAC members should go to the ballot election page and review the election announcement and the profiles provided by the candidates in accordance with the IAC by-laws. After that review, click on the "cast your vote" link and vote. Balloting closes on Tuesday, July 23 at 6:00 p.m. CDT. Ballots must be received before closing to be counted.

The election results will be announced at the IAC annual membership meeting at EAA AirVenture on Friday, July 26th. The meeting will open at 8:30 am…

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