Latest News

June 14, 2017

Each year, AirVenture airshow organizers include an IAC exhibition to highlight the skill and discipline that it takes to fly competition aerobatics. Cameron Jaxheimer, IAC 436475, has been invited to be this year's demonstrator, scheduled for Sunday's show. Cameron, flying an EXTRA 330SC, represented the IAC as a member of the 2016 U.S. Advanced Aerobatic Team. He was the highest-placing U.S. competitor in the World Advanced Aerobatic Competition in Poland last year.

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June 13, 2017

Getting ready for AirVenture? Have a question about parking your airplane or what hours the IAC Pavilion is in operation?  All the details are posted in a downloadable pdf or here on the IAC website. Some basic info;

  • EAA AIrVenture will run from Monday, July 24 through Sunday, July 30, 2017.
  • The IAC Pavilion will operate during AirVenture every day from 0800-1900 Central Daylight TIme (CDT)
  • IAC Gathering - EAA Nature Center, Friday, July 28 from 1800-2000.
  • IAC Forums schedule Tuesday…
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June 8, 2017

Competitors and volunteers alike are invited to pre-register for the U.S. Nationals Aerobatic Championship. If you are already an IAC member, please log in to fill out the registration form. This will allow you to update or delete your registration later and some of your data will pre-populate as well.

Fill out the registration form here;

The registration link and additional information about Nationals can be found on the Nationals webpages:…

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May 31, 2017

The deadline for non-flying awards is this Friday, June 2.  If you would like to make a nominatation you can do so online:

Special call for nominations for the…
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May 26, 2017

IAC is proud to announce that Matt Chapman will be bringing his Eagle II to Oshkosh and will perform in the airshow with the Eagle on Wednesday, July 26th. Matt is IAC #10521, a veteran airshow performer who has displayed at Oshkosh for many years, and a former member of the US Unlimited Aerobatic Team. Matt competed in the 1996 and 1998 World Aerobatic Championships and was the highest placing American in the 1998 event. He was instrumental in the USA bringing home a Team Silver medal that year. We are delighted Matt will be paying tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Eagle during the…

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May 17, 2017

Doing research or reliving memories? Maybe you want to know what's happening at an upcoming event. The International Aerobatic Club has a wide variety of news outlets including; a magazine, an e-newsletter, YouTube Channel, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

IAC YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter
Like us on Facebook or join the conversation on Twitter. See aerobatic video on YouTube.
Facebook: @EAAIAC
Twitter: @iachq

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