Latest News

January 18, 2023
At the 2022 Fall Board Meeting, the board adopted rule change proposal 2023-10 which made the Presentation K 20 for Intermediate and 30 for Advanced.
After a review by observant IAC member and former board member, Tom Rhodes, it was discovered that the presentation K on the two sequences were incorrect in the IAC 2023 Known sequence archive. 
The IT Tech team has verified that JaSPer has the correct K value for the 2023 season. Ringo Massa, who operates OpenAero was also alerted, and he verifies that the presentation K factors are correct…
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January 17, 2023

The final scores have been tabulated for the 2022 regional series competition. Seventy-nine (69) pilots successfully competed at three or more contests needed to qualify for the series and place in the top three in their category for their respective region.

The regional series began in 2002. To be eligible, a pilot must fly at least three contests during the year and one contest may include the U.S. Nationals. If more than three contests are flown, the highest scores are used to arrive at each participant’s total percentage. First, second and third place decals are awarded to…

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January 8, 2023

The dates of the online Judges School are now Feb 25-26. Please update your calendars accordingly.

More details at:…

January 6, 2023

Superior Air Parts has issued a mandatory service bulletin requiring the replacement of intake valves in certain Millennium cylinders and rebuilt/overhauled cylinders used in Continental 470-, 520-, and 550-series engines. Learn more ›

January 4, 2023

Join the EAA on January 23-27, 2023, during the third-annual EAA Homebuilders Week online event. Experts from every corner of the homebuilt aircraft community will bring their knowledge and information to builders everywhere through free and interactive webinars. Topics covered include workshops on sheet metal, welding, and wood; aircraft designs from a variety of industry leaders; part selection when building; buying secondhand; and more.

This five-day event coincides with the 70th anniversary of the first Experimental Aircraft Association meeting on January 26, 1953. Homebuilders…

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December 13, 2022

The 2022 winner of the L. Paul Soucy Trophy is Phillip Gragg, IAC 431292, of Ramona, California.

The purpose of the L. Paul Soucy Trophy is to recognize the pilot who achieves the highest scoring percentage at three or more contests during a contest season (best scores averaged together). To qualify, one of those contests must be the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships.

Phillip has been an IAC member since the mid-1990’s.  He flew his first contest in a rented Super Decathlon at the 2008 Cajun Contest in Le…

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