Latest News

September 21, 2022

MT Propeller has requested the FAA issue an Airworthiness Directive (AD) with the goal of locating and updating the small number of propellers that have not yet had MT SB 30 accomplished.

This only affects a very small population of selected MT prop manufactured between late 2013 and 2014.  These props may contain lag bolts in the blade roots from a run that did not meet the standards demanded by MT-Propeller.

If your MT Prop s/n is between 13XXXX and 14XXXX, you need to check the SB 30.pdf document to see if your prop s/n is included. See attached below on this page.

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File Attachment(s): SB-30_R7 McFarlane (1).pdf
September 16, 2022
For the 2022 US Nationals Scoring, we’re requesting PDF copies of Freestyles, the same as for Regional’s.  We will be preparing our scoring system in advance, and this saves time on site if we can get as many Free Programs loaded as possible before the start of Nationals. Hard copies are still primary, however soft copies will assist us in clipboard preparation.
Please don’t forget, nor hesitate, to resubmit if there are any subsequent changes. Submit via the instructions below. 
‘Bwana’ Bob Buckley
Castle Rock, CO
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September 12, 2022

Each year, the membership of the International Aerobatic Club nominates outstanding volunteers to be recognized for their contributions to the sport of aerobatics. The award winners are selected by a secret ballot of the IAC Board of Directors.

The award recipients were recognized at the IAC Annual Member Meeting and dinner at 2022 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Please congratulate the following IAC members for their contributions to the aerobatic community.


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September 9, 2022

This past week there was much discussion online regarding the surprising decision that the Riverside, California FSDO personnel would be performing ramp checks for inspector training during the Redlands Aerobatic Contest, hosted by IAC chapter 26. The FSDO also interpreted verbiage in the Certificate of Waiver to include verifying Flight Review currency at the contest. 

The IAC Government Relations Chair John Smutny had numerous discussions with the Riverside FSDO and the regional representative of the FAA's National Aviation Events Program prior to the contest to clarify the…

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August 31, 2022


In a revision to our earlier announcement to not have boundary judges in place at the 2022 U.S. National Aerobatic Championships, we will now plan to have the equipment, communications, and transportation available to have the boundaries judged and guarded. The influx of pre-registrations in recent days has caused me and our key officials to re-evaluate the situation and to put what we will need in place for the competition.

However, the use of boundary judges will still depend on adequate volunteers for our week-long event with…

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August 23, 2022

Maurice Hunter “Pappy” Spinks has been selected by the IAC Hall of Fame committee and approved by the IAC board of directors to be inducted into the International Aerobatic Hall of Fame for 2022. The official ceremonies will take place at the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on November 10, 2022.

Pappy was the president of the Aerobatic Club of America, an active competitor and the sponsor of the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships in 1967-71 at the Oak Grove Airport in Texas. The move from Reno, Nevada to Oak Grove, helped increase the participation of the national…

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