Latest News

August 20, 2022

On August 15, Jason Stephens (Unlimited), Shad Coulson, Mallory Lynch and Joe Gerner (Advanced) took the long journey to Issoudin, France for the 2022 World Glider Aerobatic Championships. The first couple of days were spent acclimating to the new time zone and enjoying some of the rich history and cuisine that France has to offer. They spent the next couple of days in practice. The first official day was August 18.

Jason flew 7th out of 17 Unlimited competitors in an MDM-1 Fox. The Free Known program was flown in the morning and when the category finished he landed in 11th place.…

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August 10, 2022

Congratulations to the U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team on earning a third-place bronze overall at WAC 2022. Rob Holland, Jeff Boerboon and Craig Gifford’s scores were added up for Team USA to land them on the podium.

Rob turned in solid performances on the Free Known and the second Free Unknowns earning a silver medal in each flight. Jeff stayed in the top 12 on three of his flights coming in at 26th on the third Free Unknown. Craig Gifford had a slow start in 41st place on his first flight, but consistently moved up each flight and finished the third Free Unknown in 11th place…

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August 7, 2022

Dear (CIVA) Delegates, friends and all aerobatic followers,

I am very sorry to tell you that our friend and colleague John Gaillard passed away peacefully at home yesterday afternoon. John had been strongly involved in the aerobatic sports movement in South Africa for a great many years, where his passing will be deeply mourned. He was also currently a CIVA Vice President, had previously chaired our Judging Committee for some years, was Chief Judge at a good number of CIVA aerobatic championships at all levels, and without doubt has been instrumental in guiding a wide…

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August 5, 2022

The 2022 World Aerobatic Championships opened in Leszno, Poland on Wednesday, August 3.

43 competitors from 14 countries are vying for the title of World Aerobatic Champion. The first flight, Programme P1, was flown by about half the competitors on opening day and the remainder finished up on August 4. Rob Holland currently sits in second place with a score of 83.017% behind the leader Florent Oddon of France with a score of 84.169%. 

In the team results, the French team is in the lead, followed by the U.S. and in third is the team from Spain.

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July 29, 2022
Voting for the 2022 IAC elections closed at approximately 6:00p.m. CDT July 26, 2022. A total of 229 Ballots were cast.
We hereby certify the following results (check marks indicate the winners):
✓ Jim Bourke: 155 (running unopposed)
✓ Sara Arnold: 205 (running unopposed)
Directors (three open seats)
✓ Doug Bartlett: 134
✓ Doug Jenkins: 132
✓ Marty Flournoy: 127
Bob Freeman: 96
Matt Dunfee:…
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July 26, 2022

Voting for the 2022 Officer/Director candidates for this year’s election closed on July 26, 2022, at 6:00pm CST.

The election ballots will be tabulated by the IAC Ballot Certification Committee Chair. The results will be announced at the IAC annual meeting of members on July 29, 2022. The meeting will be held in the Vicki Cruse Educational Pavilion at the IAC Aerobatic Center at 8:30am during EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.…

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