Latest News

March 3, 2022

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the online Q & A Microsoft Teams meeting with IAC President Jim Bourke has been cancelled for this evening. We hope to reschedule at a later date. 

February 24, 2022
The online Judges School is happening this weekend, Feb 26-27. You must pre-register if you wish to attend. Registration links and class details are here.
In addition, John Ostmeyer will be teaching an in-person class in New Century KS. Details here.
DJ Molny, Judges Program…
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February 16, 2022
Hi All.
The 2022 R&C Exam is now available:

If you prefer to work on paper, a PDF version is also available:, but you will still need to enter your answers using the online version.

In accordance with…

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February 7, 2022

The 2022 edition of the IAC Rule Book is now available to members at:   

Most of the changes are a direct result of your input.  Sixty-two(!) proposals were submitted by members.  After these were published last fall, other members provided valuable comments.  The Rules Committee discussed each proposal and associated comments in depth, then provided recommendations to the IAC Board of Directors.  After further consideration regarding all related implications, the Board determined a final…

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February 4, 2022

IAC President Jim Bourke has declared International Aerobatics Day will be held on the fourth Saturday of June, in continuation of last year's pattern.  Mark your calendars and reserve June 25 for a worldwide celebration of aerobatic flight!

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February 2, 2022

The IAC Judges Program provides training for new candidate judges and Judges refreshing their knowledge to maintain their skills.

If you are interested in becoming an aerobatic judge both the online and in-person classroom training include an Introduction to the IAC and the Aresti Language (notation used for depicting aerobatic figures) session on Day 1. Following this training, the next session on Day 2 is Practical Aerobatic Judging.

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