Latest News

January 23, 2022

Hello, IAC members, it is time to nominate our 2022 slate of officers and directors. Nominating petitions are due by April 15. Voting will be done electronically on the IAC website, beginning June 26, voting ends on July 26. New officers and directors will be installed at the close of the IAC Annual Membership Meeting at AirVenture in Oshkosh on July 29, 2022.

Positions to be filled are President, Secretary, and three Directors. Directors are elected "at large", not by region, and are then assigned a region after they're elected. If you wish to see which directors'…

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File Attachment(s): Fm-IAC Nomination 2022.pdf
January 19, 2022

The IAC board of directors held a special meeting on Tuesday, January 18th. In the agenda were the 2022 Known Power and Glider sequences, which were approved unanimously. The sequences are attached to the bottom of this page and will later be stored on this website by clicking on the navigation bars above at "Competition>Known Sequences" and at "Competition>All Sequences".

Updated 01-20-22: The Primary power sequence will remain the same as in 2021.  See attached below.

File Attachment(s): PRMP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): SPTP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): INTP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): ADVP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): UNLP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): SPTG-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): INTG-Known-2022 RV2.pdf , File Attachment(s): ADVG-Known-2022 RV2.pdf , File Attachment(s): UNLG-Known-2022.pdf
January 14, 2022
The Board of Directors is requesting member comment on changes to our Policy and Procedures (P&P) Manual regarding the team selection process at the U.S. Nationals and an optional method to fill vacancies with a pilot who may not be able to attend Nationals. Section 504 of the IAC P&P requires a 60-day Member Comment period.
The following motions will be submitted to the Board for vote at after the 60-day member comment ends on March 15, 2022.
Please direct any comments to Bob Freeman, IAC Director, [at]…
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January 12, 2022
The IAC Hall of Fame lists many people who have made significant contributions to the sport and art of aerobatic flight. Some have dedicated their lives to aerobatics. Some of these people may not be pilots. IAC members are encouraged to submit a nomination for fellow IACers who are giving of their commitment, skills, innovation, or leadership with a lasting impact on aerobatics.
The deadline for nominations to the IAC Hall of Fame is February 1, 2022. The official nomination petition can be found online at…
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January 5, 2022

The final scores have been tabulated for the 2021 regional series competition. Seventy-nine (79) pilots successfully competed at three or more contests needed to qualify for the series and place in the top three in their category for their respective region.

The regional series began in 2002. To be eligible, a pilot must fly at least three contests during the year and one contest may include the U.S. Nationals. If more than three contests are flown, the highest scores are used to arrive at each participant’s total percentage. First, second and third place decals are awarded to…

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January 4, 2022

IAC Collegiate Program Chair, Jordan Ashley, offers his congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Collegiate Championships. The collegiate eagle trophies will be presented to the recipients at the IAC Member Gathering in Oshkosh, Wisconsin at AirVenture on Friday, July 29, 2022. The results of the championships have been verified and are as follows:

Team Championships:

1st: Metropolitan State University of Denver - with a total score of 9770.53 out of 11600.00 possible points /  84.23%

2nd: U.S. Air Force Academy - with a total score of 7999.82 out of 9810.…

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