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January 3, 2022

The IAC Member comment period on the 2022 Known sequences ended on December 29, 2021. Outgoing Sequence program chair, Michael Lents has evaluated the comments and recommendations have been forwarded by the Sequence Program Committee to IAC president Jim Bourke. A special board meeting will be called within the next 10 days for the board to review, request modifications, or approve the sequences. Attached below are the sequences that are up for approval. They will be uploaded, as soon as the Knowns are finalized at the special meeting, to the online sequence bank here: …

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File Attachment(s): SPTP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): INTP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): ADVP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): UNLP-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): SPTG-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): INTG-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): ADVG-Known-2022.pdf , File Attachment(s): UNLG-Known-2022.pdf
December 20, 2021
Hello All,
I have been appointed as Sequence Chair of the IAC and will start duties when Michael Lents, current Sequence Program Chair, abdicates his throne. Thanks for all your hard work, Michael! Until I started to look into this further, I had no idea of the scope of work expected and what you accomplished. For anyone unaware this position is responsible for each years Known programs as well as all Unknowns to be provided for regional contests as well as some National's Unknowns. That's a lot of Unknowns!
I am searching for volunteers from each…
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December 14, 2021

By Doug Jenkins, IAC 436255

October 14th-16th 2021 saw IAC Chapter 107 hold its annual Hill Country Hammerfest contest in beautiful Llano, Texas.  This year’s event attracted seventeen pilots competing in Primary through Advanced and flying airplanes ranging from a 115 HP Citabria to an Extra 330LX.  There were even several biplanes sprinkled in.  But more on that later.

               An impending Tropical Storm (?) along with a looming cold front threw all of our careful planning into disarray shortly before the contest, forcing a call to delay the event until noon on…

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December 14, 2021

The 2021 Winner of the L. Paul Soucy Trophy is Michael Hoy of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  

The purpose of the L. Paul Soucy Trophy is to recognize the pilot who achieves the highest scoring percentage at three or more contests during a contest season (best scores averaged together). To qualify, one of those contests must be the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships.

Michael has been an IAC member since 1996. He did well in competition through 2013 and then took a calculated break. Between 2013 and this current contest…

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December 13, 2021

At the IAC Fall Board meeting the composition of the board saw some changes. When Rob Holland was elected to the Vice President position it left a Class I director position open. Class I directors are normally elected by the membership in even-numbered years. Bob Freeman has served on the board of director for the last ten years and was appointed to fill this vacancy.

Most recently Bob has been serving on the board in a Class IV position. He was appointed for his expertise in working with the U.S. Aerobatic Teams as a liaison to the board. He will continue that work and will serve…

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December 7, 2021

At the IAC’s fall board meeting, November 12, the contest director and the location and dates of the 2022 U.S. National Aerobatics Championships were approved by the IAC board of directors. Mike Heuer IAC #4 was approved as contest director and the U.S. Nationals will once again be held in Salina, Kansas on October 2-7, 2022.

Mike’s aerobatic career started in 1965 when he attended the Antique Airplane Association’s annual fly-in in Ottumwa, Iowa and witnessed one of the few aerobatic contests that were in existence at that time. It spurred him on to learn…

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