Latest News

September 2, 2020

Verne Jobst has been selected by the IAC Hall of Fame committee and the Board of Directors to be inducted into the International Aerobatics Hall of Fame. The official ceremonies normally take place in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. An announcement will be made for a date in 2021.

In 1970, Verne was one of the earliest members of the IAC having joined in the first few weeks of the club’s formation. He went on to make a significant impact on the development of the IAC in its formative years.

IAC’s first official publication was at first a newsletter, but in the fall of 1971 Sport…

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August 12, 2020

At a special IAC Board of Directors meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020, Debby Rihn-Harvey and Justin Hickson were appointed by the Directors to serve on the IAC Executive Committee. Debby, from the Houston, Texas area, has served on the Executive Committee previously. This is the first time Justin, from the Twin Cities of Minnesota, has served on the Executive Committee. They will serve along with President Jim Bourke, Vice President Doug Bartlett and Treasurer Jordan Ashley. We wish both Debby and Justin well as they serve for the benefit of our IAC members and for the safety and…

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August 7, 2020

By Mike Heuer, Team Manager

This past week, two of the eight team pilots came to Union City, Tennessee (KUCY) for a training camp under the guidance and supervision of team coach Rob Holland. The team agreed that though the WAAC has been postponed to July 2021, training should continue and this will result in an even better prepared U.S. Advanced Team than ever.

Rob’s own successful career in aerobatic competition is well documented. He has won the U.S. National Aerobatic Champion title more than any other American in aerobatic history but aside from his piloting skills is…

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August 5, 2020

Each year the International Aerobatic Club invites those who are interested in pursuing aerobatic training and education to visit the IAC website to discover a number of scholarship opportunities.  The winners of the three of the scholarships listed have been announced—

CP Aviation Emergency Maneuver Training Scholarship in Memory of Vicki Cruse

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August 4, 2020

Each year, the membership of the International Aerobatic Club nominates outstanding volunteers to be recognized for their contributions to the sport of aerobatics. The award winners are selected by a secret ballot of the IAC Board of Directors. In typical years the award recipients were recognized at the IAC Annual Member Meeting at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This year, due to the cancellation of AirVenture, the awards will be shipped to the recipients’ homes. Please congratulate the following IAC members for their contributions to the aerobatic community.

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August 4, 2020
A vacancy in the IAC Southwest Director position was created by the recent IAC Director/Officer election in which Jim Bourke was voted in as President. Per IAC Bylaws, when a vacancy on the IAC Board of Directors is created, the position will be filled by appointment of an Interim Director as selected by the remaining Directors. The Interim Director will serve out the vacated term through July 2021, at which time they may choose to run for election.
The director position must be filled with an IAC member in good standing. Some experience with IAC chapter leadership is…
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