Latest News

July 11, 2023

International Aerobatics Day has become a global celebration that aims to promote the art and skill of aerobatic flying. This annual event, observed on the 4th Saturday in June, brings together aviation enthusiasts to appreciate the exhilarating displays of precision and control showcased by skilled pilots. The day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the rich history and significance of aerobatics in aviation, as well as its contribution to flight safety through enhanced maneuvering skills.

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June 26, 2023

Members may cast their votes using the secure online ballot (member login required) Voting begins TODAY, June 28 and closes July 25, 2023. 

Visit the Notice of Election webpage to view all of the candidate profiles.

Positions to be filled are Vice President, Treasurer, and 4 Directors. Directors are elected "at large", not by region, and are then assigned a region after they're elected. There are 2 candidates for Vice President and 6 candidates running for 4 director slots. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

A Presidential-appointed…

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June 20, 2023


"On the fourth Saturday each June, aerobatic enthusiasts from around the world take time off for International Aerobatics Day — a day to celebrate, promote, experience, and share the joys of aerobatic flight", Jim Bourke wrote in his article "Flying for Fun!" in Mentor magazine.

The first "Aerobatics Day" celebration took place in 2021. "The first International Aerobatics Day was a profound success, far more than my dreams. I had deliberately kept the day unstructured — the only rule…

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May 26, 2023
President and CEO leaves a solid foundation and legacy of public service.  
WASHINGTON, DC- Following a long career of public service, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) announced today that President and CEO, Greg Principato, will retire from the association effective on September 15, 2023. Principato has served the NAA since 2016.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors I want to thank Greg for all he has done for the NAA,” said Board Chair Jim Albaugh. “Greg not only…
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May 15, 2023

Registration for the 2023 U.S. National Aerobatic Championship is open for pilots and volunteers at  Scroll down to 2023 US National Aerobatic Championships and click on the dark blue "Register" button to the right of the contest title.

The U.S. Nationals take place SEPTEMBER 24 - 29, 2023 in Salina, Kansas. 

Get all the details for hotels, events during the week, entry fees and links to photo galleries, social media and the LIVE feed on YouTube here: …

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April 24, 2023
The deadline for IAC Rules Change proposals is July 1, as noted in Section 1 of the IAC Contest Rules. If you're planning to propose rules changes, the best way to do so is to go to this address:, fill out the form, and hit "Submit". IAC member login is required.
If you happen to be an IAC member but for whatever reason can't use the above link, you can send a proposed change to ruleschair [at] and it will be forwarded to the Rules Committee chair…
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