Latest News

March 31, 2018

2018 will be the inaugural year for “The Texas Championship Series.”  The goal of the series is to crown the best pilot in every contest category based on results from contests held in The Lone Star State.  Simple, right? Here is how it will work. 

  1. To be considered for the title of “Texas Championship Series” Champion a pilot must fly in EVERY multi-category contest held in Texas.
    1. The Early Bird…27-28 April in Edna, TX (26R)
    2. The Lone Star Aerobatic Championships…22-24 June in Sherman-Denison, TX (KGYI)
    3. The Hill…
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March 18, 2018

IAC president Mike Heuer, IAC 4, submitted his resignation at the IAC board of directors meeting on March 17, 2018, as previously planned. The board appointed Robert Armstrong, IAC 6712, as the new IAC president for the remainder of Mike’s term, which runs until July 2018. Robert was elected as the IAC’s vice president in July 2017. The board will consider and appoint a replacement to fill that officer position in early April.

Robert has been a member of the IAC for the past 37 years, has previously served as a director from 2006 to 2012, and was inducted into the International…

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March 14, 2018

IAC's officers, directors, and staff have begun preparation for the much-anticipated EAA AirVenture which begins on July 23rd, 2018. 

Highlight of the event for IAC members will be the 25th Anniversary of the One Design DR-107 and the 45th Anniversary of the Acro Sport. Twelve vertical panels along with over 60 photos and text will tell the history of the the anniversary planes and the builders who have enjoyed their homebuilt projects as well as the pilots who have flown it with many competition successes. Just to the south and east of the IAC Pavilion will be the…

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February 21, 2018

He put in many volunteer hours behinds the scenes, she made herself available by traveling long distances, he has a great understanding of the technical aspects of judging, she gives countless hours of her personal time for the betterment of IAC, his products and services have been a tremendous benefit to aerobatics, and he has coached and mentored pilots at contests and on practice days.

Do these people sound like someone you know and would like to have recognized for their contribution to the sport of aerobatics? This is an excellent opportunity to give recognition to an…

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January 27, 2018

The Tech Committee is in need of volunteers with software coding expertise. Tech Committee members are responsible for the contest registration software, the contest scoring software, the contest results database, the analysis of contest results, and  the IAC website. If you have ideas for software services that do not presently exist, and are willing to put in the effort to turn those ideas into reality, we would love to have you get involved.

The most immediate need is for someone to transition into the role of managing and maintaining the IAC Contest Database, or IACCDB. The…

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January 25, 2018

Beginning with the 2013 Aresti Aerobatic Catalogue (Condensed), various errors created during the publication process have crept into both the Power and Glider (aka ‘GAF’) Catalogues.  Those errors were generally corrected in subsequent editions, but unfortunately new errors were added.  At the FAI/CIVA 2017 plenary conference, revisions to the Catalogue to correct all known errors were approved for use starting in 2018.

In the document below, we also provide a link to the Aresti System SL website for ordering Catalogues. We do not recommend ordering their 2018 version yet until we…

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