Latest News

January 18, 2018

The 2018 edition of the IAC Rule Book is now available to members at:

January 16, 2018

Director/Officer Nominations Sought

January 15, 2018 - If you or an IAC member you know is interested in running for an officer or director position, here are the item's you'll need to do so:

1. Candidate Petition Form with 10 current IAC members' signatures; download the attachment below. Note members can sign separate petition forms and e-mail them after they have printed, signed and scanned it. All names do not have to be placed on one form. Email endorsements will NOT be…

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File Attachment(s): Fm-Nomination 2018 REV2.pdf
January 13, 2018

IAC Judges start their year by passing the Revalidation & Currency Exam.  The 2018 R&C Exam may be found by selecting "Programs", then "Judges", then "Exams".  This year the exam includes video in questions.  Please let each video load and then watch carefully and critically as one figure of the flying from the 2017 Nationals is presented.

Passing score is 80%.  The exam is best done with a copy of the IAC Official Contest Rules open.  Since no major rules changes affecting figure grading are implemented for 2018, this year's R&C Exam can be done with the 2017 rulebook…

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January 10, 2018

IAC Collegiate Program Chairman, Jordan Ashley, would like to congratulate and thank all participants in the 2017 competition. Results from the 2017 IAC Collegiate Competition are calculated for both team and individual categories.

The top performing teams are as follows:

1. Metropolitan State University of Denver (84.92%)

2. University of North Dakota (83.62%)

3. United States Air Force Academy (82.25%)

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January 8, 2018
IAC will be observing the 25th anniversary of the test flight of the DR-107 “One Design” this year at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh as well as the 45th anniversary of the first flight of the “Acro Sport” - Paul Poberezny’s eighth design at EAA AirVenture 2018 in Oshkosh.
IAC President Mike Heuer flies the prototype "Super Acro Sport" back in the 1970's.
The DR-107 was designed by Dan Rihn, IAC #3836 of Seal Beach, California. Dan’s concept was to create an airplane…
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January 5, 2018

IAC extends its congratulations to Shaun Brautigan who is recognized as the IAC competition pilot who achieved the highest percentage of points possible during the 2017 contest season. The criteria for the award is that a pilot must compete in three or more contests, one of which must be the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships. The trophy will be awarded to Shaun during the IAC Gathering of Members dinner on Friday night, July 27th, in the Nature Center at EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

In the 2017 contest season, Shaun flew in a staggering total of nine contests. He placed…

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