Latest News

January 5, 2018
We are sorry to report that Mary Gaffaney, one of the world’s greatest aerobatic pilots, passed away in December at the age of 91. 
Mary Gaffaney followed in the footsteps of Betty Skelton, Caro Bayley, and Joyce Case in bringing attention to the Pitts Special. Mary was very "special" in the fact that she was the first American woman to win the Women's World Aerobatic Champion title after the WAC was first organized in 1960.
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January 5, 2018

The final scores are in for the 2017 regional series competition. One hundred and seven (107) pilots successfully competed at three or more contests needed to qualify for the series. Sixty-three of those competitors placed in the top three in their category for their respective region.

Since the March 2002 Board of Directors meeting, an IAC Regional Championship Series format was officially approved and has been awarded annually. To be eligible, a pilot must fly at least three contests during the year…

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January 3, 2018

Citing personal health issues, IAC President Mike Heuer has announced he plans to step down from the IAC presidency no later than March 19th, 2018. Mike has served as IAC President since the summer of 2014 and was also the club's leader from 1981 to 1990. He has served in virtually all IAC officer and director positions since the club was founded in 1970 and carries IAC membership number 4. His father, Bob Heuer was the first President of the organization and Mike has devoted much of his adult life to volunteer positions within the organization.

Mike plans to continue his work as…

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December 7, 2017

By a majority vote of the IAC Board of Directors in a special meeting on Wednesday, December 6th, the decision was to return the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships to Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 2018. The dates for the championships will be Saturday, September 22 to Friday, September 28. The Contest Director was also appointed by the Board and will be John Smutny, IAC #25010, of Auburn, Washington. John directed the 2013 Nationals in Texas.

Jack J. Pelton, Chairman and CEO of EAA has pledged full support of the event and has pledged to the Board of Directors personally that the issues…

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December 5, 2017

Dear IAC’ers:

I am sad to report that Giles Henderson, IAC #159 of Charleston, Illinois lost his life in a skydiving accident on Saturday, December 2nd. If you have been around IAC for any length of time at all, you knew who Giles was – a real icon in our sport and the quintessential Sportsman pilot.

I met Giles in about 1968 as he was an Illinoisan like our family. He is the only IAC pilot who flew in both our very first IAC-sanctioned contest in May 1970 at Lansing, all the way up to the recent U.S. National Aerobatic Championships in Oshkosh. Though…

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November 29, 2017

All Unknown sequences from the 2017 contest season are now online, along with the 2018 Known sequences.

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