Latest News

July 28, 2017

The IAC annual membership just concluded at EAA Airventure in Oshkosh and the results of the 2017 election were announced by Mike Heuer, IAC President on behalf of Ballot Certification Chairman D. J. Molny.

The results are as follows:

Vice President - Robert Armstrong (248 votes) *

Treasurer - Bob Hart (250 votes) *


Tim Just (166 votes) *

Peggy Riedinger (158 votes) *

Bruce Ballew (146 votes) *

Mike Rinker (142 votes) *

A. J. Hefel (139 votes)

Jim Bourke (133…

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July 27, 2017

IAC will host its annual “IAC Gathering” in the EAA Nature Center, adjacent to the AirVenture convention grounds. Date and time are as follows:

Friday, July 28th -- 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Food, beverages, camaraderie, fellowship, and conversation are on the agenda. IAC members and their families as well as sponsors, Eagle, and EXTRA owners and pilots are invited. The Nature Center is located east of the Museum and Pioneer Airpark as shown in the diagram and is accessed from Waukau Avenue. The AirVenture visitor's map is attached below. Full details on all of IAC…

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File Attachment(s): AV17_VisitorsMap_v4.pdf
July 27, 2017

Join us at the IAC Pavilion  Thursday, July 27

8:30-9:45am           Picking the Best Acro Bird for You - Budd Davisson

10:00-11:15am       The IAC and Recreational Aerobatics - Gerry Molidor

11:30-12:45pm       Championship EXTRA Aircraft Line up - Jim Bourke and EXTRA Aircraft Representatives



8:30-9:45am           Picking the Best Acro Bird for You - Budd Davisson

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July 25, 2017

Join us at the IAC Pavilion for the forums on Wednesday, July 26, 2017;


8:30-9:45am  |  Jim Bourke  |  USA Unlimited Team

Jim is an IAC National Judge has served, as a contest director, jury member, is an active competitor and a member of the USA 2017 Unlimited Team.

Jim Bourke talks about his experience rising through the ranks to become…

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July 24, 2017

Tuesday, July 25

8:30-9:45am          The Untold Adventures of Building and Flying the Christen Eagle II - Mark Ciaglia and Lynn OJala

10:00-11:15am       USA Team Aerobatics - Jim Bourke

11:30-12:45pm       Basic Elements of Aerobatics - Dagmar Kress

8:30-9:45am  |  Dr. Mark Ciaglia/ Lynn OJala  | The Untold Adventures of Building and Flying the Christen Eagle II

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July 23, 2017

It is with much heartache and regret that I inform you that Margo Chase lost her life late yesterday afternoon in an accident at Apple Valley, California. She was practicing an Unlimited sequence in her Panzl at the time. We do not know the cause and will not speculate out of respect.

Margo was one of the most skilled, talented, and dedicated people I have ever met in my life. Though I first met her a few years at a Board meeting, over the last three years we worked very closely on IAC projects and my admiration for her only grew. She was bright, intelligent, and simply fun to be…

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