Latest News

July 1, 2022

An AD will soon be released based on MT Propeller Service Bulletin No.30 R7, which was first issued in November 2014. The subject of the bulletin is “Replacement of Blade Lag Screws of a certain production lot.”

With a recent incident on June 19, 2022, in which a Great Lakes 2T-1A-2 experienced a blade loss, Gerd Muehlbauer, President of MT Propeller Entwicklung GmbH, is requesting an AD from the EASA who will then forward it to the FAA.

“At the time of the original bulletin in 2014, we assumed that an Alert Service Bulletin was enough to inform our customers and Service…

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June 27, 2022


Voting for the 2022 Officer/Director candidates for this year’s election begin TODAY!  Voting closes on July 26, 2022, at 6:00pm CST.

For candidate profiles and a link to the voting use this link:  IAC website login required.

All votes must be done via electronic ballot. The election ballots will be tabulated by the IAC Ballot Certification Committee Chair. The results will be announced at the…

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June 20, 2022

By Jordan Ashley, IAC AirVenture Chairman

For AirVenture 2022, we will be “Celebrating IAC Volunteers…the lift beneath our wings.”
The IAC as an organization was founded by; and for more than 50 years; has been supported by volunteers. Because of this, we want to recognize and celebrate the work that is done by our membership, some seen but mostly unseen that has carried our organization for all these years. 2022 will mark my 27th AirVenture, 14th year as a volunteer and13th in IAC AirVenture Leadership. Because of this, my hope for AirVenture and the…
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June 19, 2022

Voting for the 2022 officer and director candidates for this year’s election begins on Monday, June 27 and closes on July 26, 2022, at 6 p.m. CST

Find all the candidate profiles here: All votes must be done via electronic ballot. The election ballots will be tabulated by the IAC ballot certification committee chair. 

The results will be announced at the annual meeting of members on July 29, 2022.…

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June 1, 2022
Attention IAC Members!

I am hoping to get some Known Proposal submissions from Members in every category. This spring a change was made to P&P 229 which includes allowable figures for the Knowns. My hope is that this will give more guidance on developing Knowns and motivate you to get involved. Please take a look at P&P 229 and send me any questions you may have. Known submissions from the Membership have been very limited…hopefully that will change.

To access the Policy and Procedure Manual, use your IAC login and password on this IAC website. Once you are…
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May 31, 2022
Pre-registration for the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships is open to competitors and volunteers alike.
Go to the contest listing page : scroll down to the Nationals contest listing and click on the blue button that says, "Register".
We urge all pilots and volunteers to pre-register. This year there is a choice of short or long shirt t-shirts. So, we need a good count to ensure you received what you request.
Please note; Entry fees must be paid to secure the practice slots. The 10-…
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